5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Executive Coaching

Coaching is for you. Follow these tips to maximize our time together.

  1. Come prepared to take notes.
    Bring and use whatever makes notes stick for you - your phone, a laptop, tablet, or (my fave) a notebook and pen. Whatever you use, take notes.

  2. Note whatever resonates with you, as well as new ideas.
    When you have an “A-ha!” during coaching, capture it. Maybe you learned a new technique you want to try, maybe something you heard gives you an idea for something else. Write it all down, even if it’s not related to public speaking.

  3. Watch your video within 24 hours.
    Any recordings I make during our sessions will be shared with you within 72 hours. Watch the recording and write down what you like. We’ll discuss it in the next meeting. (ps - I do not keep any of our recordings. All of our work is confidential.)

  4. After each session, share something you learned with someone else.
    Repetition is the key to retention, and when you talk about your takeaways, they stick.

  5. Attend your scheduled follow up appointment and share the improvements you noticed.
    This is another way to reinforce and retain your skills - reflect on what you learned, which new skills you’re using, and what’s serving you well.

About The Author

Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence, to dealing with difficult questions.

Workshops are available online or in-person!

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


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