We’ve presented at a wide range of conferences, training events, and as keynote speakers throughout the U.S. and Canada.

A few samples of our presentations are below:

Make Your Message Stand Out

Presented at the Professional Women in Advocacy Conference — I shared advice on how to strengthen your message and choose (and practice) the right words so it lands effectively with your intended audience.

The Art of The Ask

Professional development workshop for the women of the ELCA — this talk addressed story principles and crafting a solid ask to prepare for fundraising. The mission? BE BOLD.

Your Story Deserves to Be Told Crappy

A keynote speech for the Podcasters Across Borders Conference — this talk was all about doing something poorly on purpose to get through the “crap” to your final, polished product.

Make the Irrelevant Relevant

A conference session for the Podcasters Across Borders Conference — I taught how to re-examine your content and focus it on the right audience—and how to ensure it relates.