In defense - and praise - of kids on Zoom

A note for these pandemic times re: Zoom

Professor Robert E. Kelly became internet famous way before the pandemic when his kids interrupted his interview with the BBC in 2017. This clip still makes me fall out of my chair laughing.
Image: BBC News on YouTube, screenshot.

On Blursday of the 80th of Novtemberary in this the year one million, a good friend received an urgent email from her employer. “No kids in the background on Zoom calls!” it admonished all employees of the organization. The company-wide email stipulated that there will be NO children or pets allowed on any Zoom calls.

To which I, a child-free, pet-free person say:

Um, yeah, big fat NO.

I would say a few other choice words - but that’s not professional.

I understand that even in these crazy, unexpected, upside-down times professionalism still matters. But we are not living in “normal” times (whatever those are).

If work is expecting you to DO IT ALL from HOME, then, like it or no, home is going to bleed into work. Work needs to modify its expectations. The boss needs to be a little flexible and a lot compassionate.

As Esther Perel said to Kara Swisher about pandemic times, “You’re not working from home. You’re working with home.”

So, yeah, boss: let the home in a bit.

I welcome those kids on Zoom calls. Gladly. Happily. Same for the pets.

It’s life. Kids and pets don’t understand (fully, anyway) what “work” is. Their utterances, mews, and yelps make me laugh. It’s a welcome break from Zoom fatigue. One client’s 5 year-old daughter came right up to the camera and asked me my name. It was adorable.

Should the kids be playing a full-blown game of Kick-the-Can behind you? Probably not. Similarly, maybe don’t let Fido whine for a potty break for 30 minutes while you talk to your biggest client.

But to outright prohibit kids and pets from Zoom? Nope. Not on board with a boss who can’t get on board with what the times dictate.

“You’re not working from home. You’re working WITH home.
— Esther Perel, Noted therapist and podcaster

Dr. Clare Wenham became internet famous when her daughter began asking questions during Mom’s BBC interview. Image: Screenshot, BBC News on YouTube.

Professor Robert Kelly was the ideal person to interview in 2020 about working from home with kids. His kids, on their second BBC appearance, are as lively as ever! He reminds us how difficult it is to fully work from home with kids.
Image: Screenshot, BBC News on YouTube.

About The Author

Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence. And yes - I teach over Zoom!

Need some help? Get in touch!

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier

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