If you have anxiety whenever you present, we have some tips for you.

It’s okay to be nervous when you present! It’s perfectly normal. It’s your body’s way of telling you, “I care about doing a good job.” [Yes, I know, you would be fine without your body telling you in such a distracting way. Me, too.]

The key to managing stage fright is to not let it overtake you.

Stage fright - or anxiety when speaking in front of a room - is manageable. Keep reading for more tips, or click the video above to see my conversation with Randy Ford about how to manage your stage fright.

4 Ways to Manage Stage Fright and Nerves During a Presentation

  1. Tell yourself this is a good thing.
    Yes, I know it’s uncomfortable, but being nervous means you care about this presentation - you care about doing a good job.

  2. Remind yourself: This happens to all the greats.
    Adele, Ricky Martin, and Barbra Streisand all have crippling stage fright.

  3. Prepare. And never confuse knowledge with preparation.
    I can’t emphasize this enough. Now, I don’t mean script everything and memorize it. Too many executives that I coach used to do this. If you’re a leader, scripting and memorizing your speech is not a great use of your time.
    Rather, know your purpose, your main points, and what it is you want to convey, and what you want your audience to take away. Do one dry-run so your delivery will feel smooth when it’s go time.

  4. Learn some breathing techniques to manage in the moment. [video]
    Jeremy Cohn, Chicago Alexander Technique Instructor, coaches my clients on breath control to manage anxiety in the moment. See my conversation with him (and some breathing techniques) below.

Techniques to manage public speaking anxiety are in this 10-minute conversation with Marianna and Jeremy.

About The Author

Hi! I’m Marianna. I make public speaking and presentation skills easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing stage fright to speaking with confidence. In addition to Presentation Skills workshops, I offer executive coaching and Keynote speeches. To learn more, Get in touch.

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


The top benefit of working with an executive Coach: Practice!


[VIDEO] How to Look Good on Zoom (Or Any Virtual Meeting) - Part 2