2-Minute Tips: Drugs, Alcohol, and Public Speaking


“Is it okay if I [do a shot/drink a few beers/take beta blockers] before I have to speak?”

As long as I’ve been coaching, I’ve been asked this question. Answer: It depends. Really. Listen up!

As a professional coach, I don’t think I can safely answer this for any one person. BUT. It is tricky.

I’m not going to tell you what to do (or not). You’re an adult. Listen to the memos to hear stories from past clients who’ve handled public speaking anxiety a little differently than I do.

My thoughts on if it’s okay to drink before a speech. If you’re the best man? Definitely not. See my voice memos on giving a toast if that’s you.



Should I take beta blockers if I have severe anxiety before a speech?

I’ll tell you my thoughts here.

More Drugs!

Marijuana before a speech: Do or don’t?

Marijuana is either decriminalized or some form of legal in all but 11 states.*
Should you use it to manage your stage fright?

Listen and hear my thoughts.

* to which I say: Get with the program, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas, Wyoming, and Idaho! Do you like tax $, or not?


Is it okay to drink a couple of beers (or do a shot) before I deliver a presentation?

I get this question all the time. This is a weird area, because context - time, place, and content of the speech - matters.

Plus, you’re an adult.


The one type of speech that often involves alcohol is a toast. Sadly, those who are tasked with toasting rarely prepare, and rarely stay sober until after the toast.

Plan a bit! In this voice memo, I walk you through my “toast template.”


Need some coaching, but you don’t want to spend time commuting?


Did you know I offer Power Hour virtual coaching sessions? One hour of coaching for quick feedback on any challenges you have around an upcoming meeting, presentation, training, or speech. My monthly Power Hours fill up fast. Book your spot RIGHT HERE →

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


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