2-Minute Tips for Women: Speak with Confidence!

Speaking with a group of confident, fierce, kick-ass women at my conference.


The playing field for women in business still isn’t level. [I call BS.]

I’m chipping away at the BS with these quick tips that will instantly strengthen your speech or presentation. #womenshistorymonth


Stop Apologizing

You’ve probably heard this message to women before: Stop apologizing. We are conditioned to be “nicer” and take of other people’s feelings (even when that person is a jerk.) It’s time to stop the unnecessary apologies. Do apologize if you do something wrong, like spill coffee on someone during your presentation. (Ask me how I know.)

Stop Asking Permission

Continuing on the “conditioning” crap here - girls are not often coached to just do it (Gym shoe ads don’t count.) Hear how asking instead of stating something can weaken your content, your speech, or presentation.

Mind Your Body Language

Those unconscious habits you have can undercut your credibility. Hear how to identify and modify your bad habits. Yes, you’ll need to have a little discomfort. That’s how we grow.

My Top 3 Books & Videos For Women In Business

These are my go-tos for solid advice for women in business. Links for all are shared on this page.

My favorite resources for women in business:

Need some gentle coaching? Or need to figure out which unconscious habits are holding you back in the boardroom?

Start with my voice memos on this page, and then buy one of these books or listen to my favorite TED talk. These are resources I share with my clients year after year.


Did you know I offer Power Hour virtual coaching sessions? One hour of coaching for quick feedback on any challenges you have around an upcoming meeting, presentation, training, or speech. My monthly Power Hours fill up fast. Book your spot RIGHT HERE →

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


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