Was “Improve my presentation skills” one of your new year’s resolutions?

If so, you’re in the right place. I’ve got lots of stuff to help you improve your public speaking (and maybe even enjoy it!)

I’ve had a glut of calls recently that begin with, “Improving my public speaking was one of my New Year’s resolutions….” OR: “I just had my performance review, and my manager and I agree I need to improve my speaking skills…” (or, “…won’t be promoted until I can present better…” you get the idea.)

So here, I’m sharing some of my best public speaking advice and tips on how to deliver a solid, confident presentation.

4 Quick Reads (or Views) to improve your presentation skills

3 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Skills In Real Life

  1. Work with a coach one-on-one. The good news here is thanks to Zoom, you don’t even have to be in the same city. My team and I offer coaching world-wide in many aspects of speaking: media coaching, storytelling, and good, old-fashioned corporate presentations. We have coaching-on-demand, as well as more in-depth options to help you tackle nerves, anxiety, or tricky speaking situations.

  2. Take a stand-up comedy class.
    There is nothing like getting out of your comfort zone to challenge you and help you grow. Try a comedy class - I did! The benefits were many. My presentations are stronger - and so is my preparation process.

  3. Practice your speech with a friend or a loved one.
    We expect performers and athletes to practice before we see them at work - so why don’t we do the same? Rehearsing with another person in the room gives you another set of eyes and ears. They’ll see and hear things you won’t catch. Ask for - and be open to - receiving feedback.

And if you want to see if we can help? Click that red button below to get in touch.

About Me…

Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence. Need coaching? Or a workshop for your team?
Get in touch.

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


[VIDEO] How to Look Good on Zoom (Or Any Virtual Meeting) - Part 1


A speaker looks back…