4 Highlights and 3 Takeaways from The Year

It’s been a great year. Like many of my colleagues, I’m reflecting on the highlights and the learnings of the past year. (That’s me, above, in my Charlotte office! That’s where you can find me when I’m not in Chicago.)

If you’re reading this, thank you for being a reader! I’m grateful for your time and attention. I hope you find the highlights inspiring, and the takeaways helpful.


4 Highlights from the Year

  1. I opened my 2nd location in The Carolinas!
    This was the realization of a decades-long dream to split my time between 2 places I love. I was so fortunate to find Advent Coworking (now hygge coworking) and meet colleagues whom I enjoy collaborating and brainstorming with. (H/t to Zach at Zaddy Solutions and Melissa Hollingsworth at Worthwhile Media!)

  2. I added many new organizations and industries to my client list!
    I’m proud to say I’ve added more:

    • MBA programs

    • Tech start-ups

    • Public Health Departments

    • REITs

    • Sales executives

    • Attorneys

    • Federally-Qualified Health Centers

    • Food companies

    • Pharma companies

      …to my client roster. It was great working with each one of these organizations and individuals within them! I learned so much this year! (Scroll down to see my takeaways.)

  3. I joined MPI (Meeting Professionals International)!
    I love my work. As a small business, though, one thing was missing: my work buddies. I’d heard about MPI for years, but a conversation with Dallas Golden at Pond Ripple Media convinced me to join - and I’m glad I did! I’ve discovered new ways of working, and it even inspired me to do my first ever corporate retreat.

  4. I held my first corporate retreat!
    I’d heard of other peers creating or heading out on their own corporate retreats, but I figured it wasn’t for me. I’ve been in business for 20+ years - why would I need 3 days to think about it? A conversation with branding pro Leanne Calderwood convinced me otherwise.
    I took 2 days to do some forward-planning with my business, and I’m so glad I did! I’m excited for my plans in 2023.

3 Takeaways Around Presenting and Speaking

Mix up your presentation style! Remember those UPS commercials? Writing while speaking can be very effective.

  1. Mix up your delivery style to become more comfortable.
    One of my huge success stories from this year was a tech founder who hit her stride once we combined her love of writing with her presentations. She was uncomfortable with the “all eyes on me” feeling, so we brought an aspect of writing to her presentations, utilizing either white boards or flip charts. It brought her to life, and her presentations took off. The last time I spoke with her, she conveyed that presentations were no longer this scary thing - they’re just a part of what she does as a leader. Whoo-hoo!

  2. Know what you bring to the table - and write it down.
    This is an exercise I give most of my clients. This year, I saw how powerful it was when multiple clients grew their confidence after reflecting on their gifts - and understanding why they were the ones to lead from the front of the room.

  3. Get out of your comfort zone - even if you kick @** at what you do. (Ahem. Note to self.)
    I learned this myself when I took a stand-up comedy class. I was scared witless to do this - and it was one of the best things I could’ve done as a professional speaker. Moreover, by writing and delivering a stand-up set, I learned new best practices to bring to my own speeches and presentations. Fringe benefit: I discovered Chicago has an incredibly welcoming stand-up scene. Give it a crack to challenge yourself, or just go check out shows at The Lincoln Lodge and enjoy!

What was your year like? What did you learn?

If you reflected and discovered that your group needs a workshop or a speaker, get in touch. Or maybe you had a performance review where you were told, “You need to improve your presentation skills.” I can help! Schedule a call by clicking that red button below.

About Me…

Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence. Need a workshop? Get in touch.

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


Was “Improve my presentation skills” one of your new year’s resolutions?


If you need a presentation Skills workshop…